Gartner’s First Data Virtualization Market Guide

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Data virtualization offers data and analytics leaders a data integration strategy to limit data silos and address new analytical and operational opportunities through flexibility in data access. This research provides insight into 16 vendors and their offerings to help in making an informed choice.

Key Findings

  • Familiar data integration patterns centered on physical data movement (bulk/batch data movement, for example) are no longer a sufficient solution for enabling a digital business.
  • Many organizations report that their existing data warehouse forms yet another data silo in the organization, which leads to a slow degradation of the data warehouse benefits of providing optimized, integrated data delivery.
  • Data virtualization offers an attractive alternative to bulk/batch data delivery by allowing flexibility and agility in data access through the creation of a single logical view of data from varied data silos (including transactional systems, RDBMSs, cloud data stores and big data stores).
  • Data virtualization offerings are maturing at a steady pace in terms of connectivity options, performance, security and near-real-time data delivery. Current offerings are being increasingly deployed by all major verticals for production-level use cases.

Receive an overview of the Data Virtualization marketplace and it’s future growth, Operation and Analytical use cases and the list of top data virtualization vendors in the market including Stone Bond technologies.

Contact Quant ICT Group and ask for “Market Guide for Data Virtualization”,,  tel.:+31880882500