Databases Need Continuous Monitoring & Proper Data Stewardship

While perimeter, cloud and mobile security tend to grab the headlines, in reality it’s the database repositories and the private financial information stored in databases that are the actual targets of most breaches. Comprehensive database security is commonly an overlooked area within financial services organizations, yet one of the most...

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Do you have the guts to be a hero?

Take the Agile Integration Plunge Come on now. This day and age, you business leaders are still beholden to your IT organization. You are the cleverest business person you know. You have successfully negotiated the biggest acquisition in the history of your company. Besides that, you are on the leading...

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Database Performance Optimization With Wait Time Analysis

Database performance tuning is a complex but extremely important task. However, it can be difficult to effectively optimize databases when there are other “fires” to put out, limited resources, and an increasing number of databases to look after. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible, especially with the right approach. Wait...

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